Living Standard — Last Updated 16 January 2024
and sup
elementSupport in all current engines.
Support in all current engines.
attribute: Interactive content.a
element descendant, or descendant with the tabindex
attribute specified.href
— Address of the hyperlink
— Navigable for hyperlink navigation
— Whether to download the resource instead of navigating to it, and its filename if so
— URLs to ping
— Relationship between the location in the document containing the hyperlink and the destination resource
— Language of the linked resource
— Hint for the type of the referenced resource
— Referrer policy for fetches initiated by the element
attribute: for authors; for implementers.[Exposed =Window ]
interface HTMLAnchorElement : HTMLElement {
[HTMLConstructor ] constructor ();
[CEReactions ] attribute DOMString target ;
[CEReactions ] attribute DOMString download ;
[CEReactions ] attribute USVString ping ;
[CEReactions ] attribute DOMString rel ;
[SameObject , PutForwards =value ] readonly attribute DOMTokenList relList ;
[CEReactions ] attribute DOMString hreflang ;
[CEReactions ] attribute DOMString type ;
[CEReactions ] attribute DOMString text ;
[CEReactions ] attribute DOMString referrerPolicy ;
// also has obsolete members
HTMLAnchorElement includes HTMLHyperlinkElementUtils ;
If the a
element has an href
then it represents a hyperlink (a hypertext anchor) labeled by its
If the a
element has no href
then the element represents a placeholder for where a link might otherwise have been
placed, if it had been relevant, consisting of just the element's contents.
The target
, download
, ping
, hreflang
, type
and referrerpolicy
attributes must be omitted
if the href
attribute is not present.
If the itemprop
attribute is specified on an a
then the href
attribute must also be specified.
If a site uses a consistent navigation toolbar on every page, then the link that would
normally link to the page itself could be marked up using an a
< nav >
< ul >
< li > < a href = "/" > Home</ a > </ li >
< li > < a href = "/news" > News</ a > </ li >
< li > < a > Examples</ a > </ li >
< li > < a href = "/legal" > Legal</ a > </ li >
</ ul >
</ nav >
The href
, target
, download
, ping
and referrerpolicy
attributes affect what
happens when users follow hyperlinks or download hyperlinks created using the a
element. The rel
, hreflang
, and type
attributes may be used to indicate to the user the likely nature of the target resource before the
user follows the link.
Same as textContent
Support in all current engines.
Support in all current engines.
The IDL attributes download
, ping
, target
, rel
, hreflang
, and type
, must reflect the respective content attributes
of the same name.
Support in all current engines.
The IDL attribute relList
must reflect the rel
content attribute.
Support in all current engines.
The IDL attribute referrerPolicy
must reflect the referrerpolicy
content attribute, limited to
only known values.
The text
attribute's getter must return this element's descendant text content.
The text
attribute's setter must string replace
all with the given value within this element.
The a
element can be wrapped around entire paragraphs, lists, tables, and so
forth, even entire sections, so long as there is no interactive content within (e.g., buttons or
other links). This example shows how this can be used to make an entire advertising block into a
< aside class = "advertising" >
< h1 > Advertising</ h1 >
< a href = "" >
< section >
< h1 > Mellblomatic 9000!</ h1 >
< p > Turn all your widgets into mellbloms!</ p >
< p > Only $9.99 plus shipping and handling.</ p >
</ section >
</ a >
< a href = "" >
< section >
< h1 > The Mellblom Browser</ h1 >
< p > Web browsing at the speed of light.</ p >
< p > No other browser goes faster!</ p >
</ section >
</ a >
</ aside >
The following example shows how a bit of script can be used to effectively make an entire row in a job listing table a hyperlink:
< table >
< tr >
< th > Position
< th > Team
< th > Location
< tr >
< td >< a href = "/jobs/manager" > Manager</ a >
< td > Remotees
< td > Remote
< tr >
< td >< a href = "/jobs/director" > Director</ a >
< td > Remotees
< td > Remote
< tr >
< td >< a href = "/jobs/astronaut" > Astronaut</ a >
< td > Architecture
< td > Remote
</ table >
< script >
document. querySelector( "table" ). onclick = ({ target }) => {
if ( target. parentElement. localName === "tr" ) {
const link = target. parentElement. querySelector( "a" );
if ( link) {
link. click();
</ script >
elementSupport in all current engines.
.The em
element represents stress emphasis of its contents.
The level of stress that a particular piece of content has is given by its number of ancestor
The placement of stress emphasis changes the meaning of the sentence. The element thus forms an integral part of the content. The precise way in which stress is used in this way depends on the language.
These examples show how changing the stress emphasis changes the meaning. First, a general statement of fact, with no stress:
< p > Cats are cute animals.</ p >
By emphasizing the first word, the statement implies that the kind of animal under discussion is in question (maybe someone is asserting that dogs are cute):
< p >< em > Cats</ em > are cute animals.</ p >
Moving the stress to the verb, one highlights that the truth of the entire sentence is in question (maybe someone is saying cats are not cute):
< p > Cats < em > are</ em > cute animals.</ p >
By moving it to the adjective, the exact nature of the cats is reasserted (maybe someone suggested cats were mean animals):
< p > Cats are < em > cute</ em > animals.</ p >
Similarly, if someone asserted that cats were vegetables, someone correcting this might emphasize the last word:
< p > Cats are cute < em > animals</ em > .</ p >
By emphasizing the entire sentence, it becomes clear that the speaker is fighting hard to get the point across. This kind of stress emphasis also typically affects the punctuation, hence the exclamation mark here.
< p >< em > Cats are cute animals!</ em ></ p >
Anger mixed with emphasizing the cuteness could lead to markup such as:
< p >< em > Cats are < em > cute</ em > animals!</ em ></ p >
The em
element isn't a generic "italics" element. Sometimes, text is intended to
stand out from the rest of the paragraph, as if it was in a different mood or voice. For this,
the i
element is more appropriate.
The em
element also isn't intended to convey importance; for that purpose, the
element is more appropriate.
elementSupport in all current engines.
.The strong
element represents strong importance, seriousness, or
urgency for its contents.
Importance: the strong
element can be used in a heading, caption,
or paragraph to distinguish the part that really matters from other parts that might be more
detailed, more jovial, or merely boilerplate. (This is distinct from marking up subheadings, for
which the hgroup
element is appropriate.)
For example, the first word of the previous paragraph is marked up with
to distinguish it from the more detailed text in the rest of the
Seriousness: the strong
element can be used to mark up a warning
or caution notice.
Urgency: the strong
element can be used to denote contents that
the user needs to see sooner than other parts of the document.
The relative level of importance of a piece of content is given by its number of ancestor
elements; each strong
element increases the importance of its
Changing the importance of a piece of text with the strong
element does not change
the meaning of the sentence.
Here, the word "chapter" and the actual chapter number are mere boilerplate, and the actual
name of the chapter is marked up with strong
< h1 > Chapter 1: < strong > The Praxis</ strong ></ h1 >
In the following example, the name of the diagram in the caption is marked up with
, to distinguish it from boilerplate text (before) and the description
< figcaption > Figure 1. < strong > Ant colony dynamics</ strong > . The ants in this colony are
affected by the heat source (upper left) and the food source (lower right).</ figcaption >
In this example, the heading is really "Flowers, Bees, and Honey", but the author has added a
light-hearted addition to the heading. The strong
element is thus used to mark up
the first part to distinguish it from the latter part.
< h1 >< strong > Flowers, Bees, and Honey</ strong > and other things I don't understand</ h1 >
Here is an example of a warning notice in a game, with the various parts marked up according to how important they are:
< p >< strong > Warning.</ strong > This dungeon is dangerous.
< strong > Avoid the ducks.</ strong > Take any gold you find.
< strong >< strong > Do not take any of the diamonds</ strong > ,
they are explosive and < strong > will destroy anything within
ten meters.</ strong ></ strong > You have been warned.</ p >
In this example, the strong
element is used to denote the part of the text that
the user is intended to read first.
< p > Welcome to Remy, the reminder system.</ p >
< p > Your tasks for today:</ p >
< ul >
< li >< p >< strong > Turn off the oven.</ strong ></ p ></ li >
< li >< p > Put out the trash.</ p ></ li >
< li >< p > Do the laundry.</ p ></ li >
</ ul >
elementSupport in all current engines.
.The small
element represents side comments such as small print.
Small print typically features disclaimers, caveats, legal restrictions, or copyrights. Small print is also sometimes used for attribution, or for satisfying licensing requirements.
The small
element does not "de-emphasize" or lower the importance of
text emphasized by the em
element or marked as important with the strong
element. To mark text as not emphasized or important, simply do not mark it up with the
or strong
elements respectively.
The small
element should not be used for extended spans of text, such as multiple
paragraphs, lists, or sections of text. It is only intended for short runs of text. The text of a
page listing terms of use, for instance, would not be a suitable candidate for the
element: in such a case, the text is not a side comment, it is the main content
of the page.
The small
element must not be used for subheadings; for that purpose, use the
In this example, the small
element is used to indicate that value-added tax is
not included in a price of a hotel room:
< dl >
< dt > Single room
< dd > 199 € < small > breakfast included, VAT not included</ small >
< dt > Double room
< dd > 239 € < small > breakfast included, VAT not included</ small >
</ dl >
In this second example, the small
element is used for a side comment in an
< p > Example Corp today announced record profits for the
second quarter < small > (Full Disclosure: Foo News is a subsidiary of
Example Corp)</ small > , leading to speculation about a third quarter
merger with Demo Group.</ p >
This is distinct from a sidebar, which might be multiple paragraphs long and is removed from the main flow of text. In the following example, we see a sidebar from the same article. This sidebar also has small print, indicating the source of the information in the sidebar.
< aside >
< h1 > Example Corp</ h1 >
< p > This company mostly creates small software and Web
sites.</ p >
< p > The Example Corp company mission is "To provide entertainment
and news on a sample basis".</ p >
< p >< small > Information obtained from < a
href = "" ></ a > home
page.</ small ></ p >
</ aside >
In this last example, the small
element is marked as being important
small print.
< p >< strong >< small > Continued use of this service will result in a kiss.</ small ></ strong ></ p >
elementSupport in all current engines.
.The s
element represents contents that are no longer accurate or no
longer relevant.
The s
element is not appropriate when indicating document edits; to
mark a span of text as having been removed from a document, use the del
In this example a recommended retail price has been marked as no longer relevant as the product in question has a new sale price.
< p > Buy our Iced Tea and Lemonade!</ p >
< p >< s > Recommended retail price: $3.99 per bottle</ s ></ p >
< p >< strong > Now selling for just $2.99 a bottle!</ strong ></ p >
elementSupport in all current engines.
.The cite
element represents the title of a work (e.g.
a book,
a paper,
an essay,
a poem,
a score,
a song,
a script,
a film,
a TV show,
a game,
a sculpture,
a painting,
a theatre production,
a play,
an opera,
a musical,
an exhibition,
a legal case report,
a computer program,
etc.). This can be a work that is being quoted or referenced in detail (i.e., a
citation), or it can just be a work that is mentioned in passing.
A person's name is not the title of a work — even if people call that person a piece of
work — and the element must therefore not be used to mark up people's names. (In some cases,
the b
element might be appropriate for names; e.g. in a gossip article where the
names of famous people are keywords rendered with a different style to draw attention to them. In
other cases, if an element is really needed, the span
element can be
This next example shows a typical use of the cite
< p > My favorite book is < cite > The Reality Dysfunction</ cite > by
Peter F. Hamilton. My favorite comic is < cite > Pearls Before
Swine</ cite > by Stephan Pastis. My favorite track is < cite > Jive
Samba</ cite > by the Cannonball Adderley Sextet.</ p >
This is correct usage:
< p > According to the Wikipedia article < cite > HTML</ cite > , as it
stood in mid-February 2008, leaving attribute values unquoted is
unsafe. This is obviously an over-simplification.</ p >
The following, however, is incorrect usage, as the cite
element here is
containing far more than the title of the work:
<!-- do not copy this example, it is an example of bad usage! -->
< p > According to < cite > the Wikipedia article on HTML</ cite > , as it
stood in mid-February 2008, leaving attribute values unquoted is
unsafe. This is obviously an over-simplification.</ p >
The cite
element is a key part of any citation in a bibliography, but it is only
used to mark the title:
< p >< cite > Universal Declaration of Human Rights</ cite > , United Nations,
December 1948. Adopted by General Assembly resolution 217 A (III).</ p >
A citation is not a quote (for which the q
is appropriate).
This is incorrect usage, because cite
is not for quotes:
< p >< cite > This is wrong!</ cite > , said Ian.</ p >
This is also incorrect usage, because a person is not a work:
< p >< q > This is still wrong!</ q > , said < cite > Ian</ cite > .</ p >
The correct usage does not use a cite
< p >< q > This is correct</ q > , said Ian.</ p >
As mentioned above, the b
element might be relevant for marking names as being
keywords in certain kinds of documents:
< p > And then < b > Ian</ b > said < q > this might be right, in a
gossip column, maybe!</ q > .</ p >
elementSupport in all current engines.
— Link to the source of the quotation or more information about the edit
.The q
element represents some phrasing
content quoted from another source.
Quotation punctuation (such as quotation marks) that is quoting the contents of the element
must not appear immediately before, after, or inside q
elements; they will be
inserted into the rendering by the user agent.
Content inside a q
element must be quoted from another source, whose address, if
it has one, may be cited in the cite
attribute. The source may be fictional, as when quoting
characters in a novel or screenplay.
If the cite
attribute is present, it must be a valid
URL potentially surrounded by spaces. To obtain the corresponding citation
link, the value of the attribute must be parsed
relative to the element's node document. User agents may allow users to follow
such citation links, but they are primarily intended for private use (e.g., by server-side scripts
collecting statistics about a site's use of quotations), not for readers.
The q
element must not be used in place of quotation marks that do not represent
quotes; for example, it is inappropriate to use the q
element for marking up
sarcastic statements.
The use of q
elements to mark up quotations is entirely optional; using explicit
quotation punctuation without q
elements is just as correct.
Here is a simple example of the use of the q
< p > The man said < q > Things that are impossible just take
longer</ q > . I disagreed with him.</ p >
Here is an example with both an explicit citation link in the q
element, and an
explicit citation outside:
< p > The W3C page < cite > About W3C</ cite > says the W3C's
mission is < q cite = "" > To lead the
World Wide Web to its full potential by developing protocols and
guidelines that ensure long-term growth for the Web</ q > . I
disagree with this mission.</ p >
In the following example, the quotation itself contains a quotation:
< p > In < cite > Example One</ cite > , he writes < q > The man
said < q > Things that are impossible just take longer</ q > . I
disagreed with him</ q > . Well, I disagree even more!</ p >
In the following example, quotation marks are used instead of the q
< p > His best argument was ❝I disagree❞, which
I thought was laughable.</ p >
In the following example, there is no quote — the quotation marks are used to name a
word. Use of the q
element in this case would be inappropriate.
< p > The word "ineffable" could have been used to describe the disaster
resulting from the campaign's mismanagement.</ p >
elementSupport in all current engines.
element descendants.title
attribute has special semantics on this element: Full term or expansion of abbreviation
.The dfn
element represents the defining instance of a term. The paragraph, description list group, or section that is the nearest ancestor of the dfn
element must also contain the definition(s) for the term given
by the dfn
Defining term: if the dfn
element has a title
attribute, then the exact value of that
attribute is the term being defined. Otherwise, if it contains exactly one element child node and
no child Text
nodes, and that child element is an abbr
element with a
attribute, then the exact value of that
attribute is the term being defined. Otherwise, it is the descendant text content of
the dfn
element that gives the term being defined.
If the title
attribute of the dfn
element is
present, then it must contain only the term being defined.
The title
attribute of ancestor elements does not
affect dfn
An a
element that links to a dfn
element represents an instance of
the term defined by the dfn
In the following fragment, the term "Garage Door Opener" is first defined in the first paragraph, then used in the second. In both cases, its abbreviation is what is actually displayed.
< p > The < dfn >< abbr title = "Garage Door Opener" > GDO</ abbr ></ dfn >
is a device that allows off-world teams to open the iris.</ p >
<!-- ... later in the document: -->
< p > Teal'c activated his < abbr title = "Garage Door Opener" > GDO</ abbr >
and so Hammond ordered the iris to be opened.</ p >
With the addition of an a
element, the reference
can be made explicit:
< p > The < dfn id = gdo >< abbr title = "Garage Door Opener" > GDO</ abbr ></ dfn >
is a device that allows off-world teams to open the iris.</ p >
<!-- ... later in the document: -->
< p > Teal'c activated his < a href = #gdo > < abbr title = "Garage Door Opener" > GDO</ abbr > </ a >
and so Hammond ordered the iris to be opened.</ p >
elementSupport in all current engines.
attribute has special semantics on this element: Full term or expansion of abbreviation
.The abbr
element represents an abbreviation or acronym, optionally
with its expansion. The title
attribute may be used to provide an expansion of the
abbreviation. The attribute, if specified, must contain an expansion of the abbreviation, and
nothing else.
The paragraph below contains an abbreviation marked up with the abbr
This paragraph defines the term "Web Hypertext Application
Technology Working Group".
< p > The < dfn id = whatwg >< abbr
title = "Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group" > WHATWG</ abbr ></ dfn >
is a loose unofficial collaboration of web browser manufacturers and
interested parties who wish to develop new technologies designed to
allow authors to write and deploy Applications over the World Wide
Web.</ p >
An alternative way to write this would be:
< p > The < dfn id = whatwg > Web Hypertext Application Technology
Working Group</ dfn > (< abbr
title = "Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group" > WHATWG</ abbr > )
is a loose unofficial collaboration of web browser manufacturers and
interested parties who wish to develop new technologies designed to
allow authors to write and deploy Applications over the World Wide
Web.</ p >
This paragraph has two abbreviations. Notice how only one is defined; the other, with no
expansion associated with it, does not use the abbr
< p > The
< abbr title = "Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group" > WHATWG</ abbr >
started working on HTML5 in 2004.</ p >
This paragraph links an abbreviation to its definition.
< p > The < a href = "#whatwg" >< abbr
title = "Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group" > WHATWG</ abbr ></ a >
community does not have much representation from Asia.</ p >
This paragraph marks up an abbreviation without giving an expansion, possibly as a hook to apply styles for abbreviations (e.g. smallcaps).
< p > Philip` and Dashiva both denied that they were going to
get the issue counts from past revisions of the specification to
backfill the < abbr > WHATWG</ abbr > issue graph.</ p >
If an abbreviation is pluralized, the expansion's grammatical number (plural vs singular) must match the grammatical number of the contents of the element.
Here the plural is outside the element, so the expansion is in the singular:
< p > Two < abbr title = "Working Group" > WG</ abbr > s worked on
this specification: the < abbr > WHATWG</ abbr > and the
< abbr > HTMLWG</ abbr > .</ p >
Here the plural is inside the element, so the expansion is in the plural:
< p > Two < abbr title = "Working Groups" > WGs</ abbr > worked on
this specification: the < abbr > WHATWG</ abbr > and the
< abbr > HTMLWG</ abbr > .</ p >
Abbreviations do not have to be marked up using this element. It is expected to be useful in the following cases:
element with a title
attribute is an
alternative to including the expansion inline (e.g. in parentheses).abbr
element with a title
attribute or include the expansion inline in the text the first
time the abbreviation is used.abbr
can be used without a title
attribute.Providing an expansion in a title
attribute once
will not necessarily cause other abbr
elements in the same document with the same
contents but without a title
attribute to behave as if they had
the same expansion. Every abbr
element is independent.
elementSupport in all current engines.
.The ruby
element represents one or more ranges of
phrasing content paired with associated ruby annotations. Ruby annotations are short runs of
annotation text presented alongside base text. Although primarily used in East Asian typography as
a guide for pronunciation, they can also be used for other associated information. Ruby is most
commonly presented as interlinear annotations, although other presentations are also used. A more
complete introduction to ruby and its rendering can be found in W3C’s What is ruby?
article and in CSS Ruby Module Level 1. [QA-RUBY] [CSSRUBY]
This example shows Japanese text, with ruby markup used to annotate the ideographs with their pronunciation.
< ruby > 霧< rt > きり</ rt ></ ruby > とも< ruby > 霞< rt > かすみ</ rt ></ ruby > とも
A typical rendering would be something akin to the following image:
The content model of ruby
elements consists of one or more of the following
ruby segment sequences:
elements (or a
combination) representing the base-level content being annotated
(the ruby base range).rt
or rtc
elements (or a combination) representing any annotations associated with the preceding base
content, where each rtc
element or sequence of rt
elements represents one independent level of annotation (a ruby
annotation range) and can be preceded / followed by an optional rp
(The optional rp
element can be used to add presentational content such as
parentheses, which can be useful when falling back to inline rendering for when ruby layout is
not supported.)For authoring convenience, the internal ruby elements rb
, rtc
, and rp
have optional end
In Taiwan, phonetic annotations for Chinese text are typically provided using Zhuyin characters (also known as Bopomofo). In mainland China, phonetic annotations are typically provided using Latin characters using Pinyin transcription. In this example, both are provided:
< ruby lang = zh-TW >
< rb > 電</ rb >< rtc >< rt > ㄉㄧㄢˋ</ rt ></ rtc >< rtc lang = zh-Latn >< rt > diàn</ rt ></ rtc >
< rb > 腦</ rb >< rtc >< rt > ㄋㄠˇ</ rt ></ rtc >< rtc lang = zh-Latn >< rt > nǎo</ rt ></ rtc >
</ ruby >
Certain features of HTML ruby allow for simpler markup:
element implicitly represents a ruby
base unit (as if it were contained in an rb
children of a ruby
element are implicitly grouped
into a ruby annotation range (as if they were contained in an rtc
element implicity represents a ruby
annotation unit.In effect, the above example is equivalent (in meaning, though not in the DOM it produces) to the following:
< ruby lang = zh-TW >
電< rt > ㄉㄧㄢˋ< rtc lang = zh-Latn > diàn</ rtc >
腦< rt > ㄋㄠˇ< rtc lang = zh-Latn > nǎo
</ ruby >
The CSS Ruby Module Level 1 enables authors to control the rendering
of the HTML ruby
element and its contents, supporting a variety of layouts based on
the same markup. [CSSRUBY]
Three rendering styles are commonly used with Zhuyin (Bopomofo) characters. (Annotations here are shown in blue for clarity, though in actual uses there would be no color distinction.)
When the text is written vertically, the phonetic annotations are rendered to the right, along the base text:
In horizontal writing, they are frequently also typeset to the right, in this case sandwiched between individual base characters:
However, sometimes Zhuyin annotations are instead typeset above horizontal base text:
These differences are stylistic, not semantic, and therefore share the same markup:
< ruby lang = zh-TW > 電< rt > ㄉㄧㄢˋ</ rt > 腦< rt > ㄋㄠˇ</ ruby >
Within a ruby element, content is parcelled into a series of ruby segments. Ignoring
inter-element whitespace and rp
elements, each ruby segment
consists of:
One ruby base range: zero or more ruby base
units, each of which is either a DOM range containing a single child rb
element or a maximal DOM range of child content that does not contain a child rb
Zero or more ruby annotation ranges, each a
DOM range corresponding to either a single rtc
element or to a maximal sequence of
consecutive rt
elements. The ruby annotation range is further parcelled
into a sequence of ruby annotation units: if it
consists of a sequence of rt
elements then each such element is an individual
ruby annotation unit; if it consists of an rtc
element, then each of
its child rt
elements and each maximal DOM range of non-rt
content is a ruby annotation unit.
Annotating text character by character is also typical in Chinese. In this example, each
character is individually annotated in its own ruby
< ruby > 千< rt > qiān</ ruby >< ruby > 里< rt > lǐ</ ruby >< ruby > 之< rt > zhī</ ruby >< ruby > 行< rt > xíng</ ruby > ﹐< ruby > 始< rt > shǐ</ ruby >< ruby > 於< rt > yú</ ruby >< ruby > 足< rt > zú</ ruby >< ruby > 下< rt > xià</ ruby > 。
Multiple adjacent ruby segments can also be combined into the same ruby
< ruby > 千< rt > qiān</ rt > 里< rt > lǐ</ rt > 之< rt > zhī</ rt > 行< rt > xíng</ ruby > ﹐< ruby > 始< rt > shǐ</ rt > 於< rt > yú</ rt > 足< rt > zú</ rt > 下< rt > xià</ ruby > 。
The process of annotation pairing associates ruby annotation units with ruby base units.
Within each ruby segment, each ruby base unit is paired with one
ruby annotation unit from each ruby annotation range. If a ruby
annotation range consists of an rtc
element that contains no rt
elements, the single ruby annotation unit represented by its contents spans (is
paired with) every ruby base unit in the ruby segment. Otherwise, each
ruby annotation unit in the ruby annotation range is paired, in order,
with the corresponding ruby base unit in the segment’s ruby base range.
If there are not enough ruby base units, any
remaining ruby annotation units are assumed to be
associated with empty, hypothetical bases inserted at the end of the ruby base range.
If there are not enough ruby annotation units in a
ruby annotation range, the remaining ruby base
units are assumed to not have an annotation from that annotation level.
In some contexts, for example when the font size or line height are too small for interlinear ruby to be readable, it is desirable to inline the ruby annotation such that it appears in parentheses after the text it annotates. This also provides an appropriate fallback rendering for user agents that do not support ruby layout.
However, for compound words in Japanese particularly, per-character inlined phonetics are
awkward. Instead the more natural rendering is to place the annotation of an entire word together
after its base text. For example, when typeset inline, 京都市
(“Kyoto City”) is expected to be rendered as “京都市(きょうとし)”, not “京(きょう)都(と)市(し)”. This can be marked up using consecutive
elements followed by consecutive rt
< ruby >< rb > 京< rb > 都< rb > 市< rt > きょう< rt > と< rt > し< ruby >
If each base character was immediately followed by its annotation in the markup (each base-annotation pair forming its own segment), inlining would result in the undesirable and awkward “京(きょう)都(と)市(し)”.
Note that the markup above does not automatically provide the parentheses. Parentheses can be
inserted using CSS generated content when intentionally typesetting inline, however they would be
missing when a UA that does not support ruby falls back to inline layout automatically from
interlinear layout. The rp
element can be inserted to provide the appropriate
punctuation for when ruby is not supported:
< ruby >< rb > 京< rb > 都< rb > 市< rp > (< rt > きょう< rt > と< rt > し< rp > )< ruby >
This section is non-normative.
In the simplest examples, each ruby base unit contains only a single character, a pattern often used for character-per-character phonetic annotations. However, ruby base units are not restricted to containing a single character. In some cases it may be impossible to map an annotation to the base characters individually, and the annotation may need to jointly apply to a group of characters.
For example, the Japanese word for “today” is written with the characters 今日, literally “this”+“day”. But it's pronounced きょう (kyō), which can't be broken down into a “this” part and a “day” part.
Therefore phonetic ruby indicating the reading of 今日:
Would be marked up as follows:
< ruby > 今日< rt > きょう</ ruby >
Ruby can also be used to describe the meaning of the base text, rather than (or in addition to) the pronunciation. In such cases, both the base text and the annotation are typically made of multiple characters, with no meaningful subdivision possible.
Here a compound ideographic word has an English-derived synonym (written in katakana) given as an annotation:
< ruby > 境界面< rt > インターフェース</ ruby >
Here a compound ideographic word has its English equivalent directly provided as an annotation:
< ruby lang = "ja" > 編集者< rt lang = "en" > editor</ ruby >
In compound words, although phonetic annotations might correspond to individual characters, they are sometimes nonetheless typeset to share space above the base text, rendering similar to annotations on multi-character bases. However, there are subtle distinctions in their rendering that require encoding the pairing relationships within the compound word as well as its identification as a word. Furthermore, sharing space in this way versus rendering each pair in its own visual “column” is a stylistic preference: the markup needs to provide enough information to allow for both renderings (as well as correct inlining).
In this example, we will use the Japanese noun “京都市”, meaning “Kyoto City”. Its characters are pronounced “きょう”, “と”, and “し”, respectively. (Distinct colors shown in these examples for clarity: in actual usage there would be no color distinction.)
Such compound words could be rendered with phonetic annotations placed over each character one by one. In this style, when an annotation is visually longer than the character it annotates, surrounding text is pushed apart, to make the correspondance between each character and its annotation clear.
However, it is common to present such a word with its annotations sharing space together when they would otherwise create a separation in the base text, to preserve the implication that it is a single word. This style is called “jukugo ruby“ (“jukugo” meaning “compound word”).
Even when presenting as “jukugo ruby“ though, the annotation are not always merged. If a line break occurs in the middle of the word, the annotations are expected to remain associated with the correct base character.
Whether—and how much—the annotations are merged can vary, and can depend on the font size, as “jukugo ruby“ only merges annotations when at least one of them is longer than its base.
Since choosing to render as “jukugo ruby” or not is a stylistic choice, the same markup needs to enable both—and it needs to encode both the pairing information within the word as well as the grouping of these pairs as a single word:
< ruby >< rb > 京< rb > 都< rb > 市< rt > きょう< rt > と< rt > し< ruby >
Correct “jukugo ruby” is not be possible if all the base characters are part of a single
element and all the annotation text in a single rt
element, as
their individual pairings would be lost.
For more details on Japanese and Chinese ruby usage and rendering, see Requirements for Japanese Text Layout (particularly Ruby and Emphasis Dots and Appendix F), Rules for Simple Placement of Japanese Ruby, and the section on Interlinear annotations of Requirements for Chinese Text Layout. [JLREQ] [SIMPLE-RUBY] [CLREQ]
element's end tag can be omitted if the
element is immediately followed by an rb
, rt
or rp
element, or if there is no more content in the parent
.An rb
(“ruby base”) element that is the child of a ruby
element represents a ruby base unit: a unitary component of
base-level text annotated by any ruby annotation(s) to which it is paired.
An rb
element that is not a child of a ruby
represents the same thing as its children.
When no rb
element is used, the base is implied:
< ruby > base< rt > annotation</ ruby >
The element can also be made explicit:
< ruby >< rb > base< rt > annotation</ ruby >
Both markup patterns have identical semantics. Explicit rb
elements can be useful
for styling, and are necessary when marking up consecutive bases to pair with consecutive
annotations (for example, when representing a compound word; see 京都市 inlining and jukugo
ruby examples above).
elementSupport in all current engines.
or of an rtc
element's end tag can be omitted if the
element is immediately followed by an rb
, rt
or rp
element, or if there is no more content in the parent
.An rt
(“ruby text”) element that is the child of a ruby
element or of
an rtc
element that is itself the child of a ruby
represents a ruby annotation unit: a unitary annotation of the ruby
base unit to which it is paired.
An rt
element that is not a child of a ruby
element nor of an
element that is itself the child of a ruby
represents the same thing as its children.
optionally preceded and optionally followed by a single rp
element's end tag can be omitted if the
element is immediately followed by an rb
or rtc
element, or if there is no more content in the parent element.HTMLElement
.An rtc
(“ruby text container”) element that is the child of a ruby
element represents one level of annotation (a ruby annotation
range) for the preceding sequence of ruby base units
(its ruby base range).
Note: In simple cases, rtc
elements can be omitted as a ruby
annotation range is implied by consecutive rt
elements. However, they are
necessary in order to associate multiple levels of annotation with a single ruby base
range, for example to provide both phonetic and semantic information, phonetic information
in different scripts, or semantic information in different languages.
In this example, the Japanese compound word 上手 ("skillful") has phonetic annotations in both kana and romaji phonetics while at the same time maintaining the pairing to bases and annotation grouping information.
This enabled by the following markup:
< ruby >< rb > 上< rb > 手< rt > じよう< rt > ず< rtc >< rt > jou< rt > zu</ ruby >
Note: Text that is a direct child of the rtc
element implicitly
represents a ruby annotation unit as if it were contained in an rt
element, except
that this annotation spans all the bases in the segment.
In this example, the Chinese word for San Francisco (旧金山, i.e. “old gold mountain”) is annotated both using pinyin to give the pronunciation, and with the original English.
Which is marked up as follows:
< ruby >< rb > 旧< rb > 金< rb > 山< rt > jiù< rt > jīn< rt > shān< rtc > San Francisco</ ruby >
Here, a single base run of three base characters is annotated with three pinyin ruby text
segments in a first (implicit) container, and an rtc
element is introduced in order
to provide a second single ruby annotation being the city's English name.
An rtc
element that is not a child of a ruby
represents the same thing as its children.
elementSupport in all current engines.
or rtc
element, either immediately before or
immediately after an rt
or rtc
element's end tag can be omitted if the
element is immediately followed by an rb
, rt
or rp
element, or if there is no more content in the parent
.The rp
(“ruby parenthetical”) element represents nothing. It is used to
provide fallback presentational content (such as parentheses) to be shown by user agents that do
not support ruby layout, and is typically not displayed by user agents that do support ruby
In this example, each ideograph in the text 漢字
is annotated with its phonetic reading. Furthermore, it uses rp
so that in legacy
user agents the readings are in parentheses:
...< ruby > 漢< rb > 字< rp > (< rt > かん< rt > じ< rp > )</ ruby > ...
In user agents that support ruby layout, the rendering ommit the parentheses, but in user agents that do not, the rendering would be:
Here a contrived example showing some symbols with names given in English and French using
double-sided annotations, with rp
elements as well:
< ruby >
< rb > ♥< rp > : < rt > Heart< rp > , < rtc lang = fr > Cœur</ rtc >< rp > .</ rp >
< rb > ☘< rp > : < rt > Shamrock< rp > , < rtc lang = fr > Trèfle</ rtc >< rp > .</ rp >
< rb > ✶< rp > : < rt > Star< rp > , < rtc lang = fr > Étoile</ rtc >< rp > .</ rp >
</ ruby >
This would make the example render as follows in non-ruby-capable user agents:
♥: Heart, Cœur. ☘: Shamrock, Trèfle. ✶: Star, Étoile.
elementSupport in all current engines.
Support in all current engines.
— Machine-readable value
[Exposed =Window ]
interface HTMLDataElement : HTMLElement {
[HTMLConstructor ] constructor ();
[CEReactions ] attribute DOMString value ;
The data
element represents its contents, along with a
machine-readable form of those contents in the value
The value
must be present. Its value must be a representation of the element's contents in a
machine-readable format.
When the value is date- or time-related, the more specific time
element can be used instead.
The element can be used for several purposes.
When combined with microformats or the microdata attributes defined in
this specification, the element serves to provide both a machine-readable value for the purposes
of data processors, and a human-readable value for the purposes of rendering in a web browser. In
this case, the format to be used in the value
attribute is
determined by the microformats or microdata vocabulary in use.
The element can also, however, be used in conjunction with scripts in the page, for when a
script has a literal value to store alongside a human-readable value. In such cases, the format to
be used depends only on the needs of the script. (The data-*
attributes can also be useful in such situations.)
Support in all current engines.
The value
attribute must reflect the content attribute of the same name.
Here, a short table has its numeric values encoded using the data
element so
that the table sorting JavaScript library can provide a sorting mechanism on each column
despite the numbers being presented in textual form in one column and in a decomposed form in
< script src = "sortable.js" ></ script >
< table class = "sortable" >
< thead > < tr > < th > Game < th > Corporations < th > Map Size
< tbody >
< tr > < td > 1830 < td > < data value = "8" > Eight</ data > < td > < data value = "93" > 19+74 hexes (93 total)</ data >
< tr > < td > 1856 < td > < data value = "11" > Eleven</ data > < td > < data value = "99" > 12+87 hexes (99 total)</ data >
< tr > < td > 1870 < td > < data value = "10" > Ten</ data > < td > < data value = "149" > 4+145 hexes (149 total)</ data >
</ table >
elementSupport in all current engines.
Support in all current engines.
attribute: Phrasing content.datetime
— Machine-readable value
[Exposed =Window ]
interface HTMLTimeElement : HTMLElement {
[HTMLConstructor ] constructor ();
[CEReactions ] attribute DOMString dateTime ;
The time
element represents its contents, along with a
machine-readable form of those contents in the datetime
attribute. The kind of content is limited to various kinds of dates, times, time-zone offsets, and
durations, as described below.
The datetime
attribute may be present. If present, its value must be a representation of the element's contents
in a machine-readable format.
A time
element that does not have a datetime
content attribute must not have any element
The datetime value of a time
element is the value of the element's
content attribute, if it has one, otherwise the
child text content of the time
The datetime value of a time
element must match one of the following
< time > 2011-11</ time >
< time > 2011-11-18</ time >
< time > 11-18</ time >
< time > 14:54</ time >
< time > 14:54:39</ time >
< time > 14:54:39.929</ time >
< time > 2011-11-18T14:54</ time >
< time > 2011-11-18T14:54:39</ time >
< time > 2011-11-18T14:54:39.929</ time >
< time > 2011-11-18 14:54</ time >
< time > 2011-11-18 14:54:39</ time >
< time > 2011-11-18 14:54:39.929</ time >
Times with dates but without a time zone offset are useful for specifying events that are observed at the same specific time in each time zone, throughout a day. For example, the 2020 new year is celebrated at 2020-01-01 00:00 in each time zone, not at the same precise moment across all time zones. For events that occur at the same time across all time zones, for example a videoconference meeting, a valid global date and time string is likely more useful.
< time > Z</ time >
< time > +0000</ time >
< time > +00:00</ time >
< time > -0800</ time >
< time > -08:00</ time >
For times without dates (or times referring to events that recur on multiple dates), specifying the geographic location that controls the time is usually more useful than specifying a time zone offset, because geographic locations change time zone offsets with daylight saving time. In some cases, geographic locations even change time zone, e.g. when the boundaries of those time zones are redrawn, as happened with Samoa at the end of 2011. There exists a time zone database that describes the boundaries of time zones and what rules apply within each such zone, known as the time zone database. [TZDATABASE]
< time > 2011-11-18T14:54Z</ time >
< time > 2011-11-18T14:54:39Z</ time >
< time > 2011-11-18T14:54:39.929Z</ time >
< time > 2011-11-18T14:54+0000</ time >
< time > 2011-11-18T14:54:39+0000</ time >
< time > 2011-11-18T14:54:39.929+0000</ time >
< time > 2011-11-18T14:54+00:00</ time >
< time > 2011-11-18T14:54:39+00:00</ time >
< time > 2011-11-18T14:54:39.929+00:00</ time >
< time > 2011-11-18T06:54-0800</ time >
< time > 2011-11-18T06:54:39-0800</ time >
< time > 2011-11-18T06:54:39.929-0800</ time >
< time > 2011-11-18T06:54-08:00</ time >
< time > 2011-11-18T06:54:39-08:00</ time >
< time > 2011-11-18T06:54:39.929-08:00</ time >
< time > 2011-11-18 14:54Z</ time >
< time > 2011-11-18 14:54:39Z</ time >
< time > 2011-11-18 14:54:39.929Z</ time >
< time > 2011-11-18 14:54+0000</ time >
< time > 2011-11-18 14:54:39+0000</ time >
< time > 2011-11-18 14:54:39.929+0000</ time >
< time > 2011-11-18 14:54+00:00</ time >
< time > 2011-11-18 14:54:39+00:00</ time >
< time > 2011-11-18 14:54:39.929+00:00</ time >
< time > 2011-11-18 06:54-0800</ time >
< time > 2011-11-18 06:54:39-0800</ time >
< time > 2011-11-18 06:54:39.929-0800</ time >
< time > 2011-11-18 06:54-08:00</ time >
< time > 2011-11-18 06:54:39-08:00</ time >
< time > 2011-11-18 06:54:39.929-08:00</ time >
Times with dates and a time zone offset are useful for specifying specific events, or recurring virtual events where the time is not anchored to a specific geographic location. For example, the precise time of an asteroid impact, or a particular meeting in a series of meetings held at 1400 UTC every day, regardless of whether any particular part of the world is observing daylight saving time or not. For events where the precise time varies by the local time zone offset of a specific geographic location, a valid local date and time string combined with that geographic location is likely more useful.
< time > 2011-W47</ time >
< time > 2011</ time >
< time > 0001</ time >
< time > PT4H18M3S</ time >
< time > 4h 18m 3s</ time >
The machine-readable equivalent of the element's contents must be obtained from the element's datetime value by using the following algorithm:
If parsing a month string from the element's datetime value returns a month, that is the machine-readable equivalent; return.
If parsing a date string from the element's datetime value returns a date, that is the machine-readable equivalent; return.
If parsing a yearless date string from the element's datetime value returns a yearless date, that is the machine-readable equivalent; return.
If parsing a time string from the element's datetime value returns a time, that is the machine-readable equivalent; return.
If parsing a local date and time string from the element's datetime value returns a local date and time, that is the machine-readable equivalent; return.
If parsing a time-zone offset string from the element's datetime value returns a time-zone offset, that is the machine-readable equivalent; return.
If parsing a global date and time string from the element's datetime value returns a global date and time, that is the machine-readable equivalent; return.
If parsing a week string from the element's datetime value returns a week, that is the machine-readable equivalent; return.
If the element's datetime value consists of only ASCII digits, at least one of which is not U+0030 DIGIT ZERO (0), then the machine-readable equivalent is the base-ten interpretation of those digits, representing a year; return.
If parsing a duration string from the element's datetime value returns a duration, that is the machine-readable equivalent; return.
There is no machine-readable equivalent.
The algorithms referenced above are intended to be designed such that for any arbitrary string s, only one of the algorithms returns a value. A more efficient approach might be to create a single algorithm that parses all these data types in one pass; developing such an algorithm is left as an exercise to the reader.
Support in all current engines.
The dateTime
IDL attribute must reflect the element's datetime
content attribute.
The time
element can be used to encode dates, for example in microformats. The
following shows a hypothetical way of encoding an event using a variant on hCalendar that uses
the time
< div class = "vevent" >
< a class = "url" href = "" ></ a >
< span class = "summary" > Web 2.0 Conference</ span > :
< time class = "dtstart" datetime = "2005-10-05" > October 5</ time > -
< time class = "dtend" datetime = "2005-10-07" > 7</ time > ,
at the < span class = "location" > Argent Hotel, San Francisco, CA</ span >
</ div >
Here, a fictional microdata vocabulary based on the Atom vocabulary is used with the
element to mark up a blog post's publication date.
< article itemscope itemtype = "" >
< h1 itemprop = "title" > Big tasks</ h1 >
< footer > Published < time itemprop = "published" datetime = "2009-08-29" > two days ago</ time > .</ footer >
< p itemprop = "content" > Today, I went out and bought a bike for my kid.</ p >
</ article >
In this example, another article's publication date is marked up using time
, this
time using the microdata vocabulary:
< article itemscope itemtype = "" >
< h1 itemprop = "headline" > Small tasks</ h1 >
< footer > Published < time itemprop = "datePublished" datetime = "2009-08-30" > yesterday</ time > .</ footer >
< p itemprop = "articleBody" > I put a bike bell on her bike.</ p >
</ article >
In the following snippet, the time
element is used to encode a date in the
ISO8601 format, for later processing by a script:
< p > Our first date was < time datetime = "2006-09-23" > a Saturday</ time > .</ p >
In this second snippet, the value includes a time:
< p > We stopped talking at < time datetime = "2006-09-24T05:00-07:00" > 5am the next morning</ time > .</ p >
A script loaded by the page (and thus privy to the page's internal convention of marking up
dates and times using the time
element) could scan through the page and look at all
the time
elements therein to create an index of dates and times.
For example, this element conveys the string "Friday" with the additional semantic that the 18th of November 2011 is the meaning that corresponds to "Friday":
Today is < time datetime = "2011-11-18" > Friday</ time > .
In this example, a specific time in the Pacific Standard Time timezone is specified:
Your next meeting is at < time datetime = "2011-11-18T15:00-08:00" > 3pm</ time > .
elementSupport in all current engines.
.The code
element represents a fragment of computer code. This could
be an XML element name, a filename, a computer program, or any other string that a computer would
There is no formal way to indicate the language of computer code being marked up. Authors who
wish to mark code
elements with the language used, e.g. so that syntax highlighting
scripts can use the right rules, can use the class
attribute, e.g.
by adding a class prefixed with "language-
" to the element.
The following example shows how the element can be used in a paragraph to mark up element names and computer code, including punctuation.
< p > The < code > code</ code > element represents a fragment of computer
code.</ p >
< p > When you call the < code > activate()</ code > method on the
< code > robotSnowman</ code > object, the eyes glow.</ p >
< p > The example below uses the < code > begin</ code > keyword to indicate
the start of a statement block. It is paired with an < code > end</ code >
keyword, which is followed by the < code > .</ code > punctuation character
(full stop) to indicate the end of the program.</ p >
The following example shows how a block of code could be marked up using the pre
and code
< pre >< code class = "language-pascal" > var i: Integer;
i := 1;
end.</ code ></ pre >
A class is used in that example to indicate the language used.
See the pre
element for more details.
elementSupport in all current engines.
.The var
element represents a variable. This could be an actual
variable in a mathematical expression or programming context, an identifier representing a
constant, a symbol identifying a physical quantity, a function parameter, or just be a term used
as a placeholder in prose.
In the paragraph below, the letter "n" is being used as a variable in prose:
< p > If there are < var > n</ var > pipes leading to the ice
cream factory then I expect at < em > least</ em > < var > n</ var >
flavors of ice cream to be available for purchase!</ p >
For mathematics, in particular for anything beyond the simplest of expressions, MathML is more
appropriate. However, the var
element can still be used to refer to specific
variables that are then mentioned in MathML expressions.
In this example, an equation is shown, with a legend that references the variables in the
equation. The expression itself is marked up with MathML, but the variables are mentioned in the
figure's legend using var
< figure >
< math >
< mi > a</ mi >
< mo > =</ mo >
< msqrt >
< msup >< mi > b</ mi >< mn > 2</ mn ></ msup >
< mi > +</ mi >
< msup >< mi > c</ mi >< mn > 2</ mn ></ msup >
</ msqrt >
</ math >
< figcaption >
Using Pythagoras' theorem to solve for the hypotenuse < var > a</ var > of
a triangle with sides < var > b</ var > and < var > c</ var >
</ figcaption >
</ figure >
Here, the equation describing mass-energy equivalence is used in a sentence, and the
element is used to mark the variables and constants in that equation:
< p > Then she turned to the blackboard and picked up the chalk. After a few moment's
thought, she wrote < var > E</ var > = < var > m</ var > < var > c</ var >< sup > 2</ sup > . The teacher
looked pleased.</ p >
elementSupport in all current engines.
.The samp
element represents sample or quoted output from another
program or computing system.
See the pre
and kbd
elements for more details.
This element can be contrasted with the output
element, which can be
used to provide immediate output in a web application.
This example shows the samp
element being used
< p > The computer said < samp > Too much cheese in tray
two</ samp > but I didn't know what that meant.</ p >
This second example shows a block of sample output from a console program. Nested
and kbd
elements allow for the styling of specific elements
of the sample output using a style sheet. There's also a few parts of the samp
are annotated with even more detailed markup, to enable very precise styling. To achieve this,
elements are used.
< pre >< samp >< span class = "prompt" > jdoe@mowmow:~$</ span > < kbd > ssh</ kbd >
Last login: Tue Apr 12 09:10:17 2005 from on pts/1
Linux demo 2.6.10-grsec+gg3+e+fhs6b+nfs+gr0501+++p3+c4a+gr2b-reslog-v6.189 #1 SMP Tue Feb 1 11:22:36 PST 2005 i686 unknown
< span class = "prompt" > jdoe@demo:~$</ span > < span class = "cursor" > _</ span ></ samp ></ pre >
This third example shows a block of input and its respective output. The example uses
both code
and samp
< pre >
< code class = "language-javascript" > console.log(2.3 + 2.4)</ code >
< samp > 4.699999999999999</ samp >
</ pre >
elementSupport in all current engines.
.The kbd
element represents user input (typically keyboard input,
although it may also be used to represent other input, such as voice commands).
When the kbd
element is nested inside a samp
element, it represents
the input as it was echoed by the system.
When the kbd
element contains a samp
element, it represents
input based on system output, for example invoking a menu item.
When the kbd
element is nested inside another kbd
element, it
represents an actual key or other single unit of input as appropriate for the input mechanism.
Here the kbd
element is used to indicate keys to press:
< p > To make George eat an apple, press < kbd >< kbd > Shift</ kbd > + < kbd > F3</ kbd ></ kbd ></ p >
In this second example, the user is told to pick a particular menu item. The outer
element marks up a block of input, with the inner kbd
representing each individual step of the input, and the samp
elements inside them
indicating that the steps are input based on something being displayed by the system, in this
case menu labels:
< p > To make George eat an apple, select
< kbd >< kbd >< samp > File</ samp ></ kbd > |< kbd >< samp > Eat Apple...</ samp ></ kbd ></ kbd >
</ p >
Such precision isn't necessary; the following is equally fine:
< p > To make George eat an apple, select < kbd > File | Eat Apple...</ kbd ></ p >
and sup
elementsSupport in all current engines.
Support in all current engines.
element: for authors; for implementers.sup
element: for authors; for implementers.HTMLElement
.The sup
element represents a superscript and the sub
element represents a subscript.
These elements must be used only to mark up typographical conventions with specific meanings,
not for typographical presentation for presentation's sake. For example, it would be inappropriate
for the sub
and sup
elements to be used in the name of the LaTeX
document preparation system. In general, authors should use these elements only if the
absence of those elements would change the meaning of the content.
In certain languages, superscripts are part of the typographical conventions for some abbreviations.
< p > Their names are
< span lang = "fr" >< abbr > M< sup > lle</ sup ></ abbr > Gwendoline</ span > and
< span lang = "fr" >< abbr > M< sup > me</ sup ></ abbr > Denise</ span > .</ p >
The sub
element can be used inside a var
element, for variables that
have subscripts.
Here, the sub
element is used to represent the subscript that identifies the
variable in a family of variables:
< p > The coordinate of the < var > i</ var > th point is
(< var > x< sub >< var > i</ var ></ sub ></ var > , < var > y< sub >< var > i</ var ></ sub ></ var > ).
For example, the 10th point has coordinate
(< var > x< sub > 10</ sub ></ var > , < var > y< sub > 10</ sub ></ var > ).</ p >
Mathematical expressions often use subscripts and superscripts. Authors are encouraged to use
MathML for marking up mathematics, but authors may opt to use sub
if detailed mathematical markup is not desired. [MATHML]
< var > E</ var > =< var > m</ var >< var > c</ var >< sup > 2</ sup >
f(< var > x</ var > , < var > n</ var > ) = log< sub > 4</ sub >< var > x</ var >< sup >< var > n</ var ></ sup >
elementSupport in all current engines.
.The i
element represents a span of text in an alternate voice or
mood, or otherwise offset from the normal prose in a manner indicating a different quality of
text, such as a taxonomic designation, a technical term, an idiomatic phrase from another
language, transliteration, a thought, or a ship name in Western texts.
Terms in languages different from the main text should be annotated with lang
attributes (or, in XML, lang
attributes in the XML namespace).
The examples below show uses of the i
< p > The < i class = "taxonomy" > Felis silvestris catus</ i > is cute.</ p >
< p > The term < i > prose content</ i > is defined above.</ p >
< p > There is a certain < i lang = "fr" > je ne sais quoi</ i > in the air.</ p >
In the following example, a dream sequence is marked up using
< p > Raymond tried to sleep.</ p >
< p >< i > The ship sailed away on Thursday</ i > , he
dreamt. < i > The ship had many people aboard, including a beautiful
princess called Carey. He watched her, day-in, day-out, hoping she
would notice him, but she never did.</ i ></ p >
< p >< i > Finally one night he picked up the courage to speak with
her—</ i ></ p >
< p > Raymond woke with a start as the fire alarm rang out.</ p >
Authors can use the class
attribute on the i
element to identify why the element is being used, so that if the style of a particular use (e.g.
dream sequences as opposed to taxonomic terms) is to be changed at a later date, the author
doesn't have to go through the entire document (or series of related documents) annotating each
Authors are encouraged to consider whether other elements might be more applicable than the
element, for instance the em
element for marking up stress emphasis,
or the dfn
element to mark up the defining instance of a term.
Style sheets can be used to format i
elements, just like any other
element can be restyled. Thus, it is not the case that content in i
elements will
necessarily be italicized.
elementSupport in all current engines.
.The b
element represents a span of text to which attention is being
drawn for utilitarian purposes without conveying any extra importance and with no implication of
an alternate voice or mood, such as key words in a document abstract, product names in a review,
actionable words in interactive text-driven software, or an article lede.
The following example shows a use of the b
element to highlight key words without
marking them up as important:
< p > The < b > frobonitor</ b > and < b > barbinator</ b > components are fried.</ p >
In the following example, objects in a text adventure are highlighted as being special by use
of the b
< p > You enter a small room. Your < b > sword</ b > glows
brighter. A < b > rat</ b > scurries past the corner wall.</ p >
Another case where the b
element is appropriate is in marking up the lede (or
lead) sentence or paragraph. The following example shows how a BBC article about
kittens adopting a rabbit as their own could be marked up:
< article >
< h2 > Kittens 'adopted' by pet rabbit</ h2 >
< p >< b class = "lede" > Six abandoned kittens have found an
unexpected new mother figure — a pet rabbit.</ b ></ p >
< p > Veterinary nurse Melanie Humble took the three-week-old
kittens to her Aberdeen home.</ p >
As with the i
element, authors can use the class
attribute on the b
element to identify why the element is being used, so that if the
style of a particular use is to be changed at a later date, the author doesn't have to go through
annotating each use.
The b
element should be used as a last resort when no other element is more
appropriate. In particular, headings should use the h1
to h6
stress emphasis should use the em
element, importance should be denoted with the
element, and text marked or highlighted should use the mark
The following would be incorrect usage:
< p >< b > WARNING!</ b > Do not frob the barbinator!</ p >
In the previous example, the correct element to use would have been strong
, not
Style sheets can be used to format b
elements, just like any other
element can be restyled. Thus, it is not the case that content in b
elements will
necessarily be boldened.
elementSupport in all current engines.
.The u
element represents a span of text with an unarticulated, though
explicitly rendered, non-textual annotation, such as labeling the text as being a proper name in
Chinese text (a Chinese proper name mark), or labeling the text as being misspelt.
In most cases, another element is likely to be more appropriate: for marking stress emphasis,
the em
element should be used; for marking key words or phrases either the
element or the mark
element should be used, depending on the context;
for marking book titles, the cite
element should be used; for labeling text with explicit textual annotations, the
element should be used; for technical terms, taxonomic designation,
transliteration, a thought, or for labeling ship names in Western texts, the i
element should be used.
The default rendering of the u
element in visual presentations
clashes with the conventional rendering of hyperlinks (underlining). Authors are encouraged to
avoid using the u
element where it could be confused for a hyperlink.
In this example, a u
element is used to mark a word as misspelt:
< p > The < u > see</ u > is full of fish.</ p >
elementSupport in all current engines.
.The mark
element represents a run of text in one document marked or
highlighted for reference purposes, due to its relevance in
another context. When used in a quotation or other block of text referred to from the prose, it
indicates a highlight that was not originally present but which has been added to bring the
reader's attention to a part of the text that might not have been considered important by the
original author when the block was originally written, but which is now under previously
unexpected scrutiny. When used in the main prose of a document, it indicates a part of the
document that has been highlighted due to its likely relevance to the user's current activity.
This example shows how the mark
element can be used to bring attention to a
particular part of a quotation:
< p lang = "en-US" > Consider the following quote:</ p >
< blockquote lang = "en-GB" >
< p > Look around and you will find, no-one's really
< mark > colour</ mark > blind.</ p >
</ blockquote >
< p lang = "en-US" > As we can tell from the < em > spelling</ em > of the word,
the person writing this quote is clearly not American.</ p >
(If the goal was to mark the element as misspelt, however, the u
possibly with a class, would be more appropriate.)
Another example of the mark
element is highlighting parts of a document that are
matching some search string. If someone looked at a document, and the server knew that the user
was searching for the word "kitten", then the server might return the document with one paragraph
modified as follows:
< p > I also have some < mark > kitten</ mark > s who are visiting me
these days. They're really cute. I think they like my garden! Maybe I
should adopt a < mark > kitten</ mark > .</ p >
In the following snippet, a paragraph of text refers to a specific part of a code fragment.
< p > The highlighted part below is where the error lies:</ p >
< pre >< code > var i: Integer;
i := < mark > 1.1</ mark > ;
end.</ code ></ pre >
This is separate from syntax highlighting, for which span
is more
appropriate. Combining both, one would get:
< p > The highlighted part below is where the error lies:</ p >
< pre >< code >< span class = keyword > var</ span > < span class = ident > i</ span > : < span class = type > Integer</ span > ;
< span class = keyword > begin</ span >
< span class = ident > i</ span > := < span class = literal >< mark > 1.1</ mark ></ span > ;
< span class = keyword > end</ span > .</ code ></ pre >
This is another example showing the use of mark
to highlight a part of quoted
text that was originally not emphasized. In this example, common typographic conventions have led
the author to explicitly style mark
elements in quotes to render in italics.
< style >
blockquote mark , q mark {
font : inherit ; font-style : italic ;
text-decoration : none ;
background : transparent ; color : inherit ;
. bubble em {
font : inherit ; font-size : larger ;
text-decoration : underline ;
</ style >
< article >
< h1 > She knew</ h1 >
< p > Did you notice the subtle joke in the joke on panel 4?</ p >
< blockquote >
< p class = "bubble" > I didn't < em > want</ em > to believe. < mark > Of course
on some level I realized it was a known-plaintext attack.</ mark > But I
couldn't admit it until I saw for myself.</ p >
</ blockquote >
< p > (Emphasis mine.) I thought that was great. It's so pedantic, yet it
explains everything neatly.</ p >
</ article >
Note, incidentally, the distinction between the em
element in this example, which
is part of the original text being quoted, and the mark
element, which is
highlighting a part for comment.
The following example shows the difference between denoting the importance of a span
of text (strong
) as opposed to denoting the relevance of a span of text
). It is an extract from a textbook, where the extract has had the parts
relevant to the exam highlighted. The safety warnings, important though they may be, are
apparently not relevant to the exam.
< h3 > Wormhole Physics Introduction</ h3 >
< p >< mark > A wormhole in normal conditions can be held open for a
maximum of just under 39 minutes.</ mark > Conditions that can increase
the time include a powerful energy source coupled to one or both of
the gates connecting the wormhole, and a large gravity well (such as a
black hole).</ p >
< p >< mark > Momentum is preserved across the wormhole. Electromagnetic
radiation can travel in both directions through a wormhole,
but matter cannot.</ mark ></ p >
< p > When a wormhole is created, a vortex normally forms.
< strong > Warning: The vortex caused by the wormhole opening will
annihilate anything in its path.</ strong > Vortexes can be avoided when
using sufficiently advanced dialing technology.</ p >
< p >< mark > An obstruction in a gate will prevent it from accepting a
wormhole connection.</ mark ></ p >
elementSupport in all current engines.
global attribute has special semantics on this element.HTMLElement
.The bdi
element represents a span of text that is to be isolated from
its surroundings for the purposes of bidirectional text formatting. [BIDI]
The dir
global attribute defaults to auto
on this element (it never inherits from the parent element like
with other elements).
This element has rendering requirements involving the bidirectional algorithm.
This element is especially useful when embedding user-generated content with an unknown directionality.
In this example, usernames are shown along with the number of posts that the user has
submitted. If the bdi
element were not used, the username of the Arabic user would
end up confusing the text (the bidirectional algorithm would put the colon and the number "3"
next to the word "User" rather than next to the word "posts").
< ul >
< li > User < bdi > jcranmer</ bdi > : 12 posts.
< li > User < bdi > hober</ bdi > : 5 posts.
< li > User < bdi > إيان</ bdi > : 3 posts.
</ ul >
element, the username acts as expected.bdi
element were to be replaced by a b
element, the username would confuse the bidirectional algorithm and the third bullet would end up saying "User 3 :", followed by the Arabic name (right-to-left), followed by "posts" and a period.bdo
elementSupport in all current engines.
global attribute has special semantics on this element.HTMLElement
.The bdo
element represents explicit text directionality formatting
control for its children. It allows authors to override the Unicode bidirectional algorithm by
explicitly specifying a direction override. [BIDI]
Authors must specify the dir
attribute on this element, with the
value ltr
to specify a left-to-right override and with the value rtl
specify a right-to-left override. The auto
value must not be specified.
This element has rendering requirements involving the bidirectional algorithm.
elementSupport in all current engines.
Support in all current engines.
[Exposed =Window ]
interface HTMLSpanElement : HTMLElement {
[HTMLConstructor ] constructor ();
The span
element doesn't mean anything on its own, but can be useful when used
together with the global attributes, e.g. class
, or dir
. It
represents its children.
In this example, a code fragment is marked up using span
elements and class
attributes so that its keywords and identifiers can be
color-coded from CSS:
< pre >< code class = "lang-c" >< span class = "keyword" > for</ span > (< span class = "ident" > j</ span > = 0; < span class = "ident" > j</ span > < 256; < span class = "ident" > j</ span > ++) {
< span class = "ident" > i_t3</ span > = (< span class = "ident" > i_t3</ span > & 0x1ffff) | (< span class = "ident" > j</ span > << 17);
< span class = "ident" > i_t6</ span > = (((((((< span class = "ident" > i_t3</ span > >> 3) ^ < span class = "ident" > i_t3</ span > ) >> 1) ^ < span class = "ident" > i_t3</ span > ) >> 8) ^ < span class = "ident" > i_t3</ span > ) >> 5) & 0xff;
< span class = "keyword" > if</ span > (< span class = "ident" > i_t6</ span > == < span class = "ident" > i_t1</ span > )
< span class = "keyword" > break</ span > ;
}</ code ></ pre >
elementSupport in all current engines.
Support in all current engines.
[Exposed =Window ]
interface HTMLBRElement : HTMLElement {
[HTMLConstructor ] constructor ();
// also has obsolete members
The br
element represents a line break.
While line breaks are usually represented in visual media by physically moving subsequent text to a new line, a style sheet or user agent would be equally justified in causing line breaks to be rendered in a different manner, for instance as green dots, or as extra spacing.
elements must be used only for line breaks that are actually part of the
content, as in poems or addresses.
The following example is correct usage of the br
< p > P. Sherman< br >
42 Wallaby Way< br >
Sydney</ p >
elements must not be used for separating thematic groups in a paragraph.
The following examples are non-conforming, as they abuse the br
< p >< a ...> 34 comments.</ a >< br >
< a ...> Add a comment.</ a ></ p >
< p >< label > Name: < input name = "name" ></ label >< br >
< label > Address: < input name = "address" ></ label ></ p >
Here are alternatives to the above, which are correct:
< p >< a ...> 34 comments.</ a ></ p >
< p >< a ...> Add a comment.</ a ></ p >
< p >< label > Name: < input name = "name" ></ label ></ p >
< p >< label > Address: < input name = "address" ></ label ></ p >
If a paragraph consists of nothing but a single br
element, it
represents a placeholder blank line (e.g. as in a template). Such blank lines must not be used for
presentation purposes.
Any content inside br
elements must not be considered part of the surrounding
This element has rendering requirements involving the bidirectional algorithm.
elementSupport in all current engines.
.The wbr
element represents a line break opportunity.
In the following example, someone is quoted as saying something which, for effect, is written
as one long word. However, to ensure that the text can be wrapped in a readable fashion, the
individual words in the quote are separated using a wbr
< p > So then she pointed at the tiger and screamed
"there< wbr > is< wbr > no< wbr > way< wbr > you< wbr > are< wbr > ever< wbr > going< wbr > to< wbr > catch< wbr > me"!</ p >
Any content inside wbr
elements must not be considered part of the surrounding
var wbr = document. createElement( "wbr" );
wbr. textContent = "This is wrong" ;
document. body. appendChild( wbr);
This element has rendering requirements involving the bidirectional algorithm.
This section is non-normative.
Element | Purpose | Example |
| Hyperlinks |
| Stress emphasis |
| Importance |
| Side comments |
| Inaccurate text |
| Titles of works |
| Quotations |
| Defining instance |
| Abbreviations |
ruby , rb , rt , rtc , rp
| Ruby annotations |
| Machine-readable equivalent |
| Machine-readable equivalent of date- or time-related data |
| Computer code |
| Variables |
| Computer output |
| User input |
| Subscripts |
| Superscripts |
| Alternative voice |
| Keywords |
| Annotations |
| Highlight |
| Text directionality isolation |
| Text directionality formatting |
| Other |
| Line break |
| Line breaking opportunity |